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Now Sober Academy Features

Access to Now Sober Courses

Now Sober Academy offers new courses monthly to help you change. We’re not suggesting that you have done anything wrong. only that you are in a challenging situation that requires special skills. We understand this and have scheduled a series of courses that will give you the opportunity to learn a new way of connecting with your family members. Families will learn how to stop enabling their loved one, how shame keeps you or your loved one dependent on drugs and alcohol, the shame behind addiction, and what you can do to get beyond all that.
Monthly Group Coaching Calls
Now Sober Academy wants to be part of your program. Really part of it. That is why we are committing to coming into the community live at least 2 times monthly. Our goal is to stay connected by talking to you directly, answering your questions, and giving you that little bit extra that everyone needs when they are going through difficult times. You will even see that surprise workshop from time to time as well as

A Supportive Community

You are not alone. That is so important to remember. Being part of a safe community gives you space to tell your story, hear other stories like yours, and most importantly, release shame. Our hope is that through our community, you build connections with people you can reach out to for help or just a non-judgemental ear. Using the buddy system, the community provides opportunities to practice the skills as you learn them. Finally, as we have seen in our own lives, the best way to help yourself is to help others, that is why we promote a mentorship program as a part of Now Sober Academy.
Wait, Wait, Wait…

There’s More

Above all, we at Now Sober want you to feel confident through all this. Of course, there will be times when you won’t, but we will be there every step of the way to help you work through those times, so you and your loved ones overcome the struggle and come out better on the other side.

The place of true healing is a fierce place. It’s a giant place. It’s a place of monstrous beauty and endless dark and glimmering light. And you have to work really, really, really hard to get there, but you can do it. – 

Cheryl Strayed