
Simply Sober Self-Care

8 Weeks of self-care support that will help you beat “I Need a Drink” thinking so you can find joy in recovery.

Maybe you are saying…

  • I use alcohol as a way to take care of my stress and frustrations but it’s just not working.
  • I’m newly sober and am struggling not to take that next drink, or
  • I’ve been sober for a while, but the rest of me just doesn’t seem to be any better.
  • Now that I’m sober… now what?

Learning Self-Care Can Help

Simply Sober Self-Care is designed to give you the foundations of self-care covering, not only the basics like nutrition and exercise but also many other things that you didn’t know should be part of your self-care routine.

We address:

  • The 8 areas in which you should be providing yourself with sober self-care.
  • Why it’s selfless rather than selfish to practice self-care.
  • Tips to help you improve confidence.
  • How to identify and honor your boundaries.
  • And so much more.

Plus you will get motivation, support, and accountability throughout the course.

“Self-love is an ocean and your heart is a vessel. Make it full, and any excess will spill over into the lives of the people you hold dear. But you must come first.”

Beau Taplin

Most Women Do Too Much

Our many hats say things like,

  • Caregivers for children and elderly parents.
  • Home managers.
  • Full-time employees.
  • Shoppers.
  • Taxi drivers.
  • Nurses.
  • Church leaders, PTA members, and soccer coaches.


Should We Add Expert Multi-Taskers?

With so much to do, there’s little time left to do for ourselves. For many of us, a little downtime with a glass of wine or a cocktail seems like the perfect solution. Unfortunately, after a while, that glass of wine turns into two and three and a whole lot more stress than they relieve.

What if the problem isn’t alcohol? What if the problem is that we just don’t know how to practice self-care? What if, in not knowing how to take proper care of ourselves, we did the only thing we knew how to do… the same thing we see everyone else doing… the same thing we see in the media day in and day out?

And we kept doing it because it helped

Until it didn’t.

We Live with Self-Care Myths

  • I have to take care of other people first.
  • I don’t have time for self-care.
  • Massages, shopping sprees, and other acts of self-care cost too much money.
  • Self-care is anything that takes the pain and stress away.
  • Self-care is a treat I have to earn.
  • I know how to practice self-care.

But None of These Are Facts

  • You can’t pour from an empty cup, so it’s important that you fill yours first.
  • Self-care can be as simple as a few deep breaths after work, choosing the right foods at the grocery store, and saying “no” to other people’s requests.
  • Massages and shopping sprees can be self-care, but so is practicing mindfulness and taking a walk in the park, and those are free.
  • Self-care is learning how to feel the pain and stress without letting it break you. It’s about healing from it.
  • Self-care is an obligation. Without it, you can’t give the world the gifts that only you have to give it.
  • Many of us miss some of the most important parts of self-care. Those are often the parts that led us to drink in the first place.

Sober Self-Care is a must.


And it’s important to honor it. 

Simply Sober Self-Care Is for You if You Are Ready to:


  • Develop a self-care routine that improves your quality of life.
  • Be present and available for the people around you.
  • Build relationships you never thought were possible.
  • Have the confidence necessary to attract life changing opportunities.
  • Repair the damage that was created after years of drinking or substance use.
  • Learn the things you didn’t know that let to “I need a drink” thinking in the first place.
  • Gain the tools you need to maintain sobriety and prevent possible relapse.

We will start this course with a module designed to help you get a closer look at your habits, behaviours, and emotions. You will give yourself attention by learning how to pay attention to yourself.

Physical Self-Care

This module covers aspects of physical self-care such as sleep, nutrition, exercise, and general hygiene.

Emotional Self-Care

Here we work to help you identify your feelings, learn how to forgive yourself and others, and set boundaries that will help you manage your emotional well-being.

Spiritual Self-Care

Your spiritual self-care is at the core of stress relief. Together, we will get you closer to connecting with yourself and the world around you. YOu will be introduced to journaling,  gratitude, mindfulness, and various types of meditation.

Intellectual Self-Care

The fact that you are taking this course means that you have, at least in part, a growth mindset, but do you know what that means and how it can benefit you? In this module, you will learn more about that and other ways to practice intellectual self-care.

Recreational Self-Care

One of the most pressing problems we face in recovery is how to have fun. Here we learn ways we can do that without alcohol.

Creative Self-Care

Through creativity, you can express emotions, learn to recover from past trauma, and overcome stressful situations. Most importantly, in this module, you will work creatively to see a hopeful future worth staying sober for. You don’t have to be able to paint a masterpiece to practice creative self-care. You just have to be willing to hold a brush.

Affectionate Self-Care

You don’t have to have a partner to feel affectionate self-care. Rather, it can be achieved through touch in other ways as well as affirmations. You will also learn about the 5 love languages and how you can use them to give yourself affection.


Don’t forget your bonuses. Your course includes three amazing extras prepared to help you along in your self-care journey. You will get 5 recorded meditations to guide you on your spiritual self-care journey, a vision board lesson so you can create a visual representation of your future, and mid-week emails with videos to keep you motivated and on task.

If you are thinking,

“Yep. I want that,”

Join me because I want to show you how you can get all that while having fun and learning more about who you are. In Simply Sober Self-Care, we dig in to get you closer to understanding your authentic self. I walk you through each area of self-care during weekly live sessions so that you can ask questions about the activities, learn how to take better care of your physical and emotional needs, and confidently start showing yourself the love you deserve.


What’s Included


8 Weekly group coaching calls that focus learning self-care. In these live calls, you can work through some of the activities and ask questions when they arise.


A Self-care workbook with over 100 pages of activities and checklists to help you learn how to practice self-care and develop more self-awareness. 


Access to all the group coaching call replays just in case you are unable to attend the live calls or your want to review the activities.



  • Recorded audio meditations.
  • Vision board workshop for a visual representation of your future.
  • Mid-week motivation emails for inspiration.

Best of all, when you take the Simply Sober Self-Care Course, you are giving yourself tools that will help you maintain sobriety without having to “white knuckle” your way through life.

Who wouldn’t like that?

If you’re ready to create a life of self-compassion, so you can share the best of you with the people you love, let’s get started.

Simply Sober Self-Care Course



  • Weekly group coaching calls.
  • Simply Sober Self-Care Workbook.
  • Access to coaching call replays.
  • The tools you need to help you beat “I Need a Drink” thinking.


  • 5 Recorded audio meditations.
  • Vision board workshop
  • Mid-week motivation and check-in emails.

Get Started for


Course with Additional 1:1 Coaching




  • Simply Sober Self-Care Course
  • 8-60 minute 1:1 sessions to help you develop a customized recovery plan and get started on the work. ($799 value)

Get Started for


Do You Need a Nibble Before You Take a Bite?

I have created a Free Self-Care Kit Builder to get you started. Whether you want a taste before you buy or a warm-up to get you started, this kit is my gift to you. Your only commitment to getting this gift from me to you is an email address, so I can send you the workbook and notify you when the course is ready.

Go ahead and sign up. You have nothing to lose and so much to gain.

Hi, I’m Jeanna

I’ve taken a difficult road but landed in a wonderful place. Today, I live free from alcohol, free from self-hatred, and free from that empty lonely feeling that used to feel like it was going to break me. With the help of a strong support system, therapy, and a lot of self-care, I have recovered from a big chunk of my past and found a purpose–one that gives meaning to the trauma I had to face.

For the first time in my life, I feel whole, and I have made it my goal to help other women do the same.

If you are ready to land in your wonderful place, join me. We can start by working together to honor your self-care in my Simply Sober Self-Care course.

Together we can beat “I need a drink” thinking.